
IdentityModel contains client libraries for many interactions with endpoints defined in OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0. All of these libraries have a common design, let’s examine the various layers using the client for the token endpoint.

Request and response objects

All protocol request are modelled as request objects and have a common base class called ProtocolRequest which has properties to set the endpoint address, client ID, client secret, client assertion, and the details of how client secrets are transmitted (e.g. authorization header vs POST body). ProtocolRequest derives from HttpRequestMessage and thus also allows setting custom headers etc.

The following code snippet creates a request for a client credentials grant type:

var request = new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
    Address = "https://demo.identityserver.io/connect/token",
    ClientId = "client",
    ClientSecret = "secret"

While in theory you could now call Prepare (which internally sets the headers, body and address) and send the request via a plain HttpClient, typically there are more parameters with special semantics and encoding required. That’s why we provide extension methods to do the low level work.

Equally, a protocol response has a corresponding ProtocolResponse implementation that parses the status codes and response content. The following code snippet would parse the raw HTTP response from a token endpoint and turn it into a TokenResponse object:

var tokenResponse = await ProtocolResponse.FromHttpResponseAsync<TokenResponse>(httpResponse);

Again these steps are automated using the extension methods. So let’s have a look at an example next.

Extension methods

For each protocol interaction, an extension method for HttpMessageInvoker (that’s the base class of HttpClient) exists. The extension methods expect a request object and return a response object.

It is your responsibility to setup and manage the lifetime of the HttpClient, e.g. manually:

var client = new HttpClient();

var response = await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
    Address = "https://demo.identityserver.io/connect/token",
    ClientId = "client",
    ClientSecret = "secret"

You might want to use other techniques to obtain an HttpClient, e.g. via the HTTP client factory:

var client = HttpClientFactory.CreateClient("my_named_token_client");

var response = await client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
    Address = "https://demo.identityserver.io/connect/token",
    ClientId = "client",
    ClientSecret = "secret"

All other endpoint client follow the same design.


Some client libraries also include a stateful client object (e.g. TokenClient and IntrospectionClient). See the corresponding section to find out more.